Mental Health Daily

Parents and guardians explore how daily activities affect the mental wellness of their children.

Did you know that, “Mental health is more
than the absence of mental disorders” (WHO)?

Test your interest

Q1. Are you curious?

Q2. Are you ready to overcome the fear of stigmatization?

Q3. Would you like to learn from other parents/guardians?

Q4. Would you like to share your story (even anonymously)?

Q5. Would you like to improve the mental health of your children?

Q6. Do you believe in yourself and that others can learn from you?

When we talk, we beat the stigma

Our Vision

To see the society open up and talk early enough about mental issues, rather than keep quiet then act when it’s too late

Our Mision

Nurture a community that is curious about all possible contributions towards both bad and good mental health, hence make informed decisions for managing mental challenges

We believe

There is no lesson as good as that which has been tested and has worked. When we talk, we remain open and learn

Anne Gweth

I dream of  a world where our children will talk freely about what they feel and work out solutions for improved mental health

We remain Bold

The term, mental disorders/illness’ has raised a lot of stigma, hence quite a number shy away from acknowledging that it exists. This is detrimental to healthy awareness of mental issues that affect us daily.

We encourage our community ro remain bold and face the issue head-on.

We ask questions

We are no experts but we ask questions till we grow in knowledge. 

Curiosity goes a long way. 

Why? Where? Who? What? The human mind is always smart to find connections to things that bother them. Even when there are no perfect answers, we find leads to things we would have not if we had never asked

Have any questions?

Feel free to contact us anytime via